David - the gap between the pro-Israel and anti-Israel camps everywhere is widening and the rhetoric from the anti-Israel camp is alarming. It is hard to bridge the gap and giving historical context and educational notes no longer seems to work. It is deeply worrying and scary at the same time.

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Agreed that we have entered a difficult new era in Canada. Jewish unity at such a time is very important. Unfortunately, Canadian Jews will have to adjust to living in a more hostile environment. Thank God Israel is available as an alternative for those who may find that life in Canada is no longer good for them.

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It is puzzling to me and disheartening that people who understand the Israeli perspective fall for anti-Russian propaganda, while those that understand the Russian perspective fall for the anti-Israeli propaganda. And I am talking about really knowledgeable and reasonable people. The Rand Corporation documents spell out quite clearly that NATO countries have long planned to dismantle Russia and divide the spoils. NATO had been training and arming Ukraine since they staged the coup in 2014 and began slaughtering East Ukrainians (eg Odessa massacre) and shelling civilians in East Ukraine. But the media ignored this. Meanwhile Arab Muslims have been blowing up and killing Israeli citizens since Amin al-Husseini collaborated with Hitler. And the media ignores this. Russia and Israel have allot in common, like ethics and a media prepared to demonize them. Ukraine and Gaza have allot in common, like ethnic and religious purists, who believe the end justifies the means. Just as Israel would be suicidal to give up the Golan Heights and the West Bank, Russia would be suicidal to give up Crimea or let NATO controlled troops retain control in East Ukraine - now Russia.

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1) I see it all the time in the media - pictures of innocent babies and children in Gaza suffering loss of home, limbs, and life, they proclaim, because of Israeli soldiers. They just can't see the truth - that if the people of Gaza could / would release all of the hostages and turn over the Hamas leadership and fighters, Israeli soldiers would not be fighting there.

2) Of course it is food for thought about Israel's dependence on the U.S. - lots to think about.

3) One comment I have is an "aside". I heard some theories that Putin is "interfering" in U.S. politics by supporting Biden, calculating that the American people are anti-Russian and would vote for Trump to spite him.

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It's always been a hopeless cause to try to bridge the gap between the pro-Israel side and the anti-Israel side. Being against Israel is fundamental to their identity. May as well try to argue them into changing their sexual preference. "Arguments" such as Israel's become as bad as Hamas (and all their other "arguments") are nothing but rationalizations to hang their bigotry on. It's those who are undecided that matter and they can be swayed by facts and arguments.

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