Apr 26Liked by David Roytenberg

I am trying to come up with a name for these people you are describing. The effect of their actions is to defend the Nazi like Hamas group but I don't think it's quite correct to call them Nazis. They loathe Israel and want it destroyed but calling them anti-Israel doesn't really get at the scale of it. As you point out they are not anti war or pro Palestinian. What they are is anti-liberal, anti Western Civilization. On some level they are Marxists. They seek (or think they seek) tue complete overthrow of our modern Western Democratic way of life and it's replacement with something resembling a revolutionary authoritarian Marxist regime. The mental children taking part in this of course don't really know what they are doing and would probably oppose it if they really did. The real instigators are the academics. They have been teaching nihilism and hatred for their own way of life for decades. If they keep it up without push back from those of us who are normal, the Western world from North America through Europe to Israel will rot from within and collapse and this is what the revolutionaries actually want. You describe their attempts in the 80s to force a Western loss of the Cold War. We were fortunate to have a Reagan who couldn't have cared less about attacks from Marxist leftists and establishment leftists in the media and elsewhere. We don't have that anymore. It's worrisome. In the end there is literally no difference between the anarchists of the Summer of Floyd and these. It's all the same. Israel is the police of 2024.

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Thanks Doug. I agree that this is a disorder of the culture. We have stopped defending what we were given by our ancestors and without upkeep it will crumble. I believe that better understanding will help people to defend the institutions that matter, but I've always been an incurable optimist...

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I'm looking for students assaulted, battered, falsely imprisoned (common law for kidnapping) and whose contractual relationships with the universities were tortiously interfered with. These are not prevailing party suits so lawyers need to be found who will work pro bono or for fees that can be scraped up through an online campaign. Once sued the defendants will need to hire counsel which I am sure will be raised by their supporters, but they will be deposed about the conspiracy that exists, and who funded them. Once that happens, maybe a RICO case under US law can be brought against the sponsors. Where do you think all those identical tents came from? They weren't bought and stashed in dorm rooms and apartments just for this kind of event.

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This is a very insightful article.

I keep going over what you wrote - "Failure” of the current “pro-Palestinian” campaign will look much better for Palestinians than “success” would." And as you pointed out, historically, this has happened so many times before in different ways.

This is so messed up. But you are so right.

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