May 4Liked by David Roytenberg

Queers Against Israel is such a twisted psycho-social perspective - they are advocating for their own demise, by supporting a regime that would curtail and even execute them, if they lived in Gaza.

But what are you implying at the end of the article? Are you meaning that Pride Parades don't have merit?

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If Pride marches continue to be politicized by groups like BLM, and my anticipation that "Palestine" will become a focal point, then what is the use? I already have lost total interest in Pride - it is no longer a parade for gay people; it has been taken over by the trans community. Read my article on Terry Glavin's substack about Pride: https://therealstory.substack.com/p/your-canada-day-rulebook-its-okay?utm_source=publication-search

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Thank you for the clarification - it's very helpful to understand your perspective and why.

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May 2Liked by David Roytenberg

Good piece. As usual, I wonder if those who need to read it actually will do so.

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All we can do is put the information out there and hope it will have an impact for the good. That’s what keeps us writing.

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May 2Liked by David Roytenberg

Good piece, Fred.

It's remarkable how for some people an objective good, such as being a society that's open to gays, becomes evil if Israel does it. It's almost as if they see Israel as a demonic entity, capable only of evil - indeed, almost as if they're confusing their antizionism with old-fashioned antisemitism.

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They're not gay.

Queer is an opt-in identity to gain them victim status and they actively deny homosexuality, as they refuse to acknowledge sex, they refuse to acknowledge same-sex attraction.

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